Sustainable Products
Our mission is to design and deliver innovative solutions that benefit human and environmental health, while educating and challenging ourselves, our suppliers and our customers in sustainable practices.
We are committed to actively reducing our environmental impact from manufacturing and from our daily business operations. These efforts are not only an integral part of the value we bring for our customers, but we drive ourself and our customers to go beyond the basics of waste-cutting and efficient operation. EnerPlastics pledges to lead business towards sustainable practice; it is truly crucial for us to be a leader in sustainability in the 21st Century.
In response to the U.A.E’s commitment towards promoting an eco-friendly global environment, EnerPlastics Oxo-Biodegradable (OBD) additives offer an environmental friendly alternative to both plastic manufacturers and consumers. Our sustainable solution will modify commodity plastics and ensure increased environmental responsibility. OBD additives cause long-life polyolefin plastic bags to degrade after a pre-programed life span of complete mechanical integrity, and is therefore an optimum approach to combatting environmental pollution and its consequences.

Importantly for EnerPlastics in the GCC, as major producers of petroleum-based polymers, the obvious solution lies in confronting and mitigating the problem: to shorten the “after-use” life of the bags and natural bio-assimilation without causing additional environmental issues.
EnerPlastics strongly believes in eco-friendly industrial growth in this region, to provide a better and prosperous future for generations to come.